Kitchen Connect Cooking Stories hosts MP and so much more!
Maryam Zahid, Mark Coure MP and Sarjoh Bah enjoy hands-on with the Kitchen Connect jam-making project.
Recently, we were honoured to host Mr Mark Coure MP, Member of the Legislative Assembly for Oatley and Shadow Minister for Multiculturalism, Shadow Minister for Jobs, Industry, Innovation, Science and Technology, and Shadow Minister for South-Western Sydney, at the Afghan Women on the Move office in Doonside.
We were also joined by Sarjoh Bah and Fibha Frameen from the Australian Department of Home Affairs.
We had an excellent and productive meeting, showcasing our projects and introducing our guests to some of our dedicated staff, volunteers, and clients.
Together, we even had a hands-on session making Orange Marmalade, part of our initiative supporting women entrepreneurs and fostering financial literacy and independence, thanks to support from CommBank’s Next Chapter Innovation program.
At Afghan Women on the Move, we support Afghan, and other multicultural women, to build physically, mentally, spiritually and financially healthy, independent lives in Australia.
If you would like to support our Women in Employment Opportunities program and purchase our delicious orange marmalade, please place your order via
Together, let's empower women and promote economic independence!
#WomenEmpowerment #SupportWomen #Entrepreneurship #FinancialIndependence #EmpowermentThroughEmployment